Interpreting the stories of Churchill Island through nature-based play
May 10th, 2018
TCL has been working with Phillip Island Nature Parks to create a nature-based, all-inclusive playspace that will reflect the unique character of Churchill Island Heritage Farm, located at the north of Phillip Island, Victoria, and support tourism at the picturesque property.
The design will provide an interactive and playful means to introduce children and their families to the stories of Churchill Island. As part of a larger masterplan, the playspace will support its recreational and leisure role for the local community and provide a regionally-based attraction for Phillip Island.
Three concepts have been developed that: represent authentic farm life; capture the frozen-in-time colonial island life; and introduce visitors face-to-face with the region’s wildlife.
Conversations have already begun with the island’s locals, including on-site farmers and horticulturalists, and will extend to collaboration with local artists as the designs progress. Found materials (both farming and natural) have potential to be re-used as part of the playspace, and the island’s wildlife features as key components of the concept designs.
The team is now working on the development of a preferred concept.
Image: Nearmap