TCL's Xingyuan Chen wins LAA Student Prize
February 4th, 2019
TCL's Xingyuan Chen has won the National Prize in the Landscape Architecture Australia Student Prize with his thesis project Tasting Territory, completed at RMIT University. It's the first time a student from RMIT University has won the national award.
The Landscape Architecture Australia Student Prize identifies and shares the finest graduating projects produced in landscape architecture education across the country. Australian universities each nominate a student based on their end-of-year presentation. The projects are then blindly reviewed by an independent jury, which awards one student the national prize.
Jury citation:
The jury was impressed with the sheer scope and ambition of the project which grapples with intertwining issues of particular relevance in the current global situation. The project distils rigorous research into a compelling proposal that connects the human experience of food and its processes of production and consumption at the individual and domestic scales with larger territorial-scale strategies. Noteworthy for its ambitiousness, complexity and attention to detail, Tasting Territory reminds us that food and the design of our food systems can be an aesthetic, emotional and intellectual experience, as well as something purely of necessity.
View the news on the LAA website here.