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In 2018 the TCL + ARM team were awarded the Lead Design Services for the Redevelopment of the Werribee Open Range Zoo. For the past 6 years, TCL have been closely working with the team at Zoos Victoria to reimagine this incredible precinct for visitors and the unique residents.
The Victorian Budget 2020/21 committed $84 million to transform Werribee Zoo into Australia’s leading open range zoo – including building a new home for the city’s much-loved Asian elephant herd, currently housed at Melbourne Zoo.
Werribee Zoo‘s Expansion delivers a world-class experience, with a new elephant sanctuary to house six Asian elephants, a new specially designed site for rhinos and bison, and a new waterhole experience.
The new Elephant Sanctuary will be the gold standard in animal welfare, with the herd able to roam freely over 22 hectares, including a walking trail to guide visitors through the landscape.